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    Search Results for: exercise and brain health

    Commit This To Memory: New Insights Into Training Your Brain

    We’ve all had this experience: we can’t remember a phone number or name, even as we can recount what our birthday party was like when we were five years old. Long term memories are fine, but if you can’t remember the little details necessary to get you through the day,…

    Care To Dance? The Positive Impact Of Dancing On The Aging Brain

    While we know generally that exercise is a critical activity for healthier aging, the question remains whether specific forms of exercise have special benefits for seniors. In a new study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, researchers have determined that dancing can have considerable positive impact on your aging brain,…

    Walk Down Memory Lane: Exercise To Lessen Memory Loss

    Yet another reason, if you needed one, to exercise: A new, albeit preliminary, study suggests that regular aerobic exercise, such as a brisk walk, may benefit those with memory problems. Certain non-Alzheimer’s dementias involve narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain and in those cases, aerobic exercise seems to…

    Runners Up: Exercise Benefits Brain Health

    Researchers from the University of Miami have new data to support the benefits of moderate to vigorous exercise as a way to protect the aging brain. The benefits of exercise for the heart and more general physical health are widely known. What is now becoming clear is that exercise may…

    Class Pass: Go Back To School For Better Brain Health

    For many if not most of us it’s been decades since we last sat in a school. The thought of a final exam or assigned paper is enough to steer us clear of a classroom. But would you re-think that decision if you knew that new knowledge could lead to…

    Don’t Stop: Now Is The Time To Keep Moving

    So you’re getting older and the weather’s getting colder: seems like the perfect combination to cause you to start slowing down or even stop exercising. That would be an unfortunate response, however. It’s true, as the weather turns, you may need to smartly button up when going outside, and it’s…