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    Search Results for: tai chi

    The Silver Screen: Are We Unnecessarily Screening Seniors For Too Many Diseases?

    An old philosophic debate: Just because we can do something, should we? For older people that translates into: just because we can test for a condition or disease, is it always necessary to do so? According to a recent piece in Kaiser Health News, the answer may be decidedly no. While…

    Mothering While Growing Older: Insights Into The Ongoing Relationship Between Older Mothers & Adult Daughters

    While older women often look forward to their role as grandmothers, they nonetheless are always and still mothers to their adult children. And sometimes the circumstance of being an older mother to older children can have its own complications. In their just published new book, It Never Ends: Mothering Middle-Aged Daughters,…

    How Long Do You Have? Calculating How Many Years Of Healthy Living Await You

    Despite the recommendations, do you continue to ignore the advice about healthy aging? Are you foregoing regular exercise, eating junk food or bing watching tv shows for way too many hours? Unfortunately, you can only sustain that sort of lifestyle for so long until it’s likely that impairment, disability or…

    Make A Move: For A Longer Life, Keep Moving And Carry On

    As you’ve probably heard, sitting is the new smoking. Mounting research shows that sedentary behavior is associated with serious health risks such as obesity, heart disease and even premature death. Getting off the couch or out of your chair is essential, and a recent study even recommends you get up…

    Nuts And Bolts: New Research Highlights The Value Of Snacking On Almonds

    You probably know by now that snacking on nuts is part of a heart healthy diet. But new research, just published in the Journal of Nutrition, takes this advice to another level when it comes to almonds. We’ve known that almonds contain healthy fats, fiber and vitamin E, and that…

    Razor Sharp: A Clean Shave, And A Compelling Video, For Those Who Shave Others

    You don’t usually need the tissue box at your side when you watch a commercial, but Gillette has now done the unlikely- bring you to tears while watching a man get his face shaved.  More specifically, the new Gillette Treo razor is billed as the first razor specifically made for…