Deep Sleep: Our Ever-Increasing Understanding Of, And Attention To, Sleep

Deep Sleep: Our Ever-Increasing Understanding Of, And Attention To, Sleep
August 9, 2018
It’s truly one of those things that we can’t live without- literally. Scientists have come to the conclusion that restful sleep is essential for healthy human functioning and survival- even more than food. At the same time, there are so many negative factors affecting our sleep- from stress and electronic distractions to unhealthy work schedules and light pollution- that we practically have an epidemic of sleep deprivation. We’re not on a healthy course, folks, when it comes to sleep.
First, it’s critical to understand all that goes on while your body is at rest and why it’s so important to get a good night’s sleep. For that, take a look at this comprehensive new article in National Geographic. Next, for those of you who think it doesn’t matter at your age because you need less sleep as you age, think again. In fact, while many of us have lost the ability to sleep soundly as we’ve gotten older, that doesn’t mean your body needs less sleep- it just means you’ve gotten used to less sleep- but the underlying threats to your health and well-being from sleep deprivation remain. Insufficient sleep can lead to all sorts of problems with mood, memory, metabolism and heart function. But sleep researcher Brandon Peters-Mathews advises that you shouldn’t let your lack of sleep worry you- and he suggests a few simple adjustments to your evening routine to help lead you to a good night’s rest.
Finally, does watching other people sleep help you relax and perhaps feel sleepy yourself? If so you may want to tap into the phenomenon of watching Bob Pagani sleep. Pagani, a 66-year-old retiree with a penchant for pulling off crazy stunts, now has thousands of people regularly watch him snore away on a daily basis. It’s a truly weird and fascinating story of something that seems to captivate people in this day and age. Curious about this siren call of sleep? Pull out your pajamas and Read Here.