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    Search Results for: osteoporosis

    Bare Bones: Do You Know The Essentials About Osteoporosis?

    Despite being classified as one of the 4 most dangerous health issues facing us today, and despite the fact that each year, 2 million broken bones are attributable to it, there’s still a lot of mystery and misunderstanding among older adults about osteoporosis. In fact, in a recent study of…

    No Bones About It: Men Lag Behind When It Comes To Diagnosing and Treating Osteoporosis

    Conventional wisdom suggests that osteoporosis (the bone disease involving loss of bone mass or creation of too little bone) is a disease most prevalent in older women. While both older men and even younger men and women can be diagnosed with it, the reality is that most in the medical…

    Watch Out: Osteoporosis Awareness For Young And Old Alike

    The statistics are daunting. Over 10 million Americans have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and another 49 million have low bone density (osteopenia) that puts them at risk for osteoporosis. Furthermore, over the course of a lifetime, one out of two women will break a bone due to osteoporosis and one…

    Capture The Fracture: Are We Sufficiently Screening For Osteoporosis?

    No matter how physically active we are, the risk of low bone density, and thus the potential risk for bone fractures, increases as we age. In fact, newly revised guidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force recommend that all women 65 and over undergo bone density screening, as well as younger,…

    A Bone To Pick: Women And The Risks of Osteoporosis Drugs

    The statistics are startling: from 2008 to 2012, the number of women using bisphosphonates in response to osteoporosis fell by 50%. The reason? Concern about the dangerous side effects of such drugs, including bone death in the jaw and fractures in the top of the femur. While these are real…

    Espresso Yourself: What Is Coffee Doing For You?

    Have you started your iced coffee routine yet this summer? For many, a nice iced coffee or cold brew (check out the difference between the two here) is just what it takes to get going on a summer morning. But that raises the perennial question: Is it okay to start…