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    Search Results for: alyson walsh

    Style Guide: Are Older Women Now Fashionable?

    When you think about the campaigns of high-end luxury fashion houses, you’re likely wondering which glamorous celebrity or movie star has lent her face to the promotional ads. Maybe Kim Kardashian? Margot Robbie? Nicole Kidman? Maggie Smith? Wait, Maggie Smith? Yes, you’ve read that correctly. The Spanish luxury fashion house…

    Fashionable Finds: Let These Ladies (And Clothes) Inspire Your Fashion Choices

    So it’s that time of year when many of us have “events.” Whether it’s a wedding, graduation, reunion, or just plain social get-together, you’re likely thinking about what’s currently in your wardrobe and what additions you may need. And as perennial as the flowers this time of year come the…

    Happy To Hear: New Podcast Recommendations

    Whether you’re sitting on a beach, in a canoe, or at a lake during these dog days of August, chances are you may be looking for something fun and smart to listen to (if you’re not reading a great beach read). So, in our continuing quest to bring you new…

    Beach Reads: Recommendations For Summer Books

    As sure as Memorial Day signals the unofficial beginning of summer, so too does this holiday weekend signal the search for the best “beach reads” for this coming summer season. What exactly qualifies as a “beach read”? New York Times best-selling author Jennifer Weiner recently suggested that for a book…

    After A Fashion: Have You Reached The Age To Trust Your Own Style Judgment?

    Have you noticed the number of women “of a certain age” dazzling your screens these days? From Sandra Oh to Olivia Coleman to Kate Winslet, these are substantive women reshaping popular culture to demonstrate the heft and complexity (not to mention style) of women as they grow older. Not only…

    Tame Your Mane: Keeping Hair Healthy And Manageable As You Age

    For many, it’s an ongoing saga. One of the most visible signs that you’re getting on in years is the appearance of your hair. In many previous posts, we explored the decision to stop coloring your hair and go gray, along with the pros and cons that accompany that choice….