Under Control: Keeping An Eye On Your Weight During The Holidays And Year Round

Under Control: Keeping An Eye On Your Weight During The Holidays And Year Round
December 12, 2018
Has it begun for you? The endless rounds of family gatherings, office parties and holiday get-togethers that inevitably tempt you to eat way more than you know you should? Maybe you let yourself indulge a bit because really, what’s one more slice of cake? Or maybe you justify it by reasoning you only eat these treats once a year, so what’s the harm?
Well, while your stomach is screaming let’s eat, your brain knows why that might not be such a good idea. As you get older, it gets a lot harder to lose weight. Your metabolism is slower, your body doesn’t need as many calories and as you lose lean muscle, the fat you acquire becomes harder to shed. Do you even know the recommended caloric intake for your age and situation in life? If not, put down the candy cane and take a look here.
And while even experts don’t agree on the best diet for weight loss, there are some agreed-upon facts, including there’s no one “right” diet for everyone, and dieting for health may not be the same as dieting for weight loss- it depends on your goal. But there are some tried and true strategies to consider, like cutting back on portions, adding protein, limiting your alcohol and avoiding foods that trigger binges. And of course, keep moving. Overall, if weight loss is your goal, the slow and steady method is likely to be the most successful. And for those of you with “clean plate syndrome?” It’s okay to leave something on your plate, or better yet, ask for a doggie bag to take home leftovers. Whatever you do, try to resist the urge to overindulge- because inevitably you’ll pay for it later.