Safe Travels: Trips For Older Adults

Safe Travels: Trips For Older Adults
November 8, 2023
While we haven’t shared a post on travel in a while, it’s not because people aren’t traveling- in fact, some are traveling with a vengeance after the pandemic kept most of us close to home. According to a recent AARP survey, 3 out of 5 adults over 50 anticipated traveling in 2023 and in fact, most older adults (a whopping 85%) say that travel is one of their top 3 priorities for discretionary spending. So, it seems that most of us have the motivation and even the money to get ourselves out there, either domestically or internationally, to see the world again.
And there’s no shortage of advice as to where to go. Of course, cruises are popular among many older adults. As a result, US News recently put together its “Bucket List” of 9 cruises for seniors and retirees. With such features as adult-only passengers and accessibility for passengers with limited mobility, one of these cruises is likely to attract your attention. Or, if you are someone who wants to combine Broadway-level entertainment with views of the open seas, this cruise may be for you. Of course, you may remember that during the deepest days of COVID, cruise ships became breeding grounds for a multitude of sick passengers. What happens if you are on a cruise and get sick? The Washington Post recently addressed this topic, underscoring the possibility that communicable diseases could spread on a cruise ship. Want to know how to take care of yourself? Grab some Tylenol and click here. And as a reminder, it’s often a good idea to purchase travel insurance before you spend big bucks on a vacation.
If you’re on a budget, there are still plenty of vacation recommendations that might fit your wallet. Yahoo Finance recently published a list of 15 budget-friendly senior vacations, all focused on domestic sites that feature lower-cost hotel options and tourist activities with low or no fees. If you’re feeling more adventurous and your budget permits a bit more, you may want to join an adventure travel group specifically geared toward the interests and abilities of older adults. Or, what about that ultimate, once-in-a-lifetime trip that you’ve saved up for over the course of many years? Travel and Leisure has suggestions, depending on your age category.
Regardless of where you’re headed, there are some general recommendations and suggestions to improve your travel experience. Are you one of those people who really suffer from jet lag (which apparently is more troublesome for older travelers)? NPR correspondents recently shared some of their suggestions for overcoming jet lag, including shifting your time zone a few days before your departure. A recent study out of Northwestern University and the Santa Fe Institute found that older travelers who eat lightly the evening before and then take in a heartier breakfast once they have landed tend to do better with overcoming jet lag. And finally, a bit of advice from the founders of the guidebooks, Lonely Planet, something of a travel bible for those of us who traveled in our younger years. Founded over 50 years ago by Tony and Maureen Wheeler, Tony has had decades of experience traveling around the world. Some of his basic travel recommendations? Mishaps happen, so always go carry on. And always explore 2 streets over from the main drag. You never know what you’ll discover off the beaten path. Finally, always choose a train over a plane. Given the challenges of flying these days, that sounds like wise advice.