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    Search Results for: stress

    In Style: Fashionable Options For Hospital Garb

    Being a hospital patient can be a disorienting and distressing experience. Routines are upended, familiarity is absent and even your clothes are missing. In fact, for many of us, our clothing plays an essential role in our unique identity. Being without our usual clothes, or being forced into uncomfortable hospital…

    A Bad Apple: Food-Borne Illness In Older Adults

    It’s probably happened to almost everyone: Not too long after a meal, you get a distress signal from your stomach- rumblings, pain, perhaps nausea and then a quick sprint to the bathroom. Most of us know what it’s like to get “food poisoning” and usually, it’s a minor annoyance that…

    Grand Parenting: The Benefits Of Occasional Caregiving

    Whether you embrace or reject the role of being a grandparent, research has emerged that might influence your perspective: A new study from Berlin has documented that grandparents, or really any older people, who provide occasional caregiving help for their grandchildren have a 1/3 lower risk of dying than those…

    In The End: A Way To Control The End Of Your Life

    For many of us, it’s our worst nightmare: to be desperately ill with no end in sight and no way to relieve the suffering. While a few states are wrestling with the concept of physician-assisted death, that involves a complex legal system of checks and balances to ensure that only…

    Swan Songs: Threshold Choirs At The Bedside

    As a way to sooth stress and ease tension, listening to music is a well established practice. For those at the end of life, the sound of music can ease pain and anxiety and connect the person to a more peaceful place. Kate Munger, the founder of Threshold Choirs, realized…

    Friends In Deed: Creating Friendly Communities For Dementia Sufferers

    When someone receives a diagnosis of dementia, fear and isolation can quickly loom large. Will my loved one need to move out of her home? How will she manage her day to day affairs? Who will look out for her if I can’t be around? These are legitimate concerns which…