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    Search Results for: longevity

    Mind The Gap: The US Lags Behind In Life Expectancy

    In the current political climate, there’s lots of debate about America’s place in the world.  But by one measure, there’s really no debate: The US lags well behind other industrialized nations on the measure of life expectancy. Residents of countries including Spain, Italy, Japan and the UK all live longer…

    TED Takes on Aging: TED Speakers On Living Healthier And Longer →

    You may be familiar with the structure of TED talks: inspiring, passionate people take the stage and share their ideas and insights with an engaged audience. But did you know that National Public Radio now hosts “The TED Radio Hour”? Each week, for one hour and with one theme, a…

    Around The World: 100 Years Of Global Aging:

    Population trends around the world tell us one clear thing: people are living longer in every country of the world. This is to be celebrated, as technology and economic gains, along with significant public health advances, have facilitated longer lives around the world. However, a large gap still exists between the…

    All The Single Ladies: Living the 100+ Years Life:

    While everyone seems to have an opinion on how to live a long life, those in the 100+ years category may be especially well positioned to offer some advice. And for at least some of these centenarians, their long lives owe much to their avoidance of one particular category of…

    Let Me In: High Demand For Entry Into A New Research Study

    Recruiting participants for new research studies can be challenging: those approached are often skeptical, concerned about side effects or unsure about benefits. However, phones have been ringing off the hook from people who want to gain entry to a new study examining the life-extension properties of metformin, a medication for…

    The Hunger Games: Fasting For a Longer Life:

    Counting calories is never fun. But would you do it if you knew an occasional drastic reduction in calories would lead to a longer, healthier life? Researchers at the University of Southern California believe they are on track to achieve that outcome. Theorizing that restricting dietary intake can reprogram the…