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    Search Results for: loneliness

    Left Alone: The Toll of Loneliness And Efforts To Respond

    While the holiday season conjures up images of festive gatherings and family reunions, it’s also a time that highlights the prevalence of loneliness and social isolation in our society. Estimates are that one in every 11 Americans over 50 has no spouse, partner or living child and that 8 million…

    Left Alone: Ways To Combat Loneliness

    As a new report just out from the Kaiser Family Foundation makes clear, loneliness is a growing global public health epidemic. And, according to The Unlonely Project, older adults are especially susceptible to loneliness and social isolation, which can have a negative impact on health and well-being. Unsurprisingly, there are new…

    You’re Not Alone: Loneliness As A Condition To Be Treated

    For seniors who have outlived their friends and family, loneliness and isolation are serious concerns. Not only are there psychological implications, but in fact there is evidence to support the connection between loneliness and physical illness, and even premature death. So it only makes sense that doctors consider “treating” loneliness…

    Home Free? Can You Afford To Age In Place?

    We’ve previously highlighted the fact that most older adults want to continue living in the community, rather than move to a long term care facility, as they get into their later years. Two new surveys confirm that sentiment. First, a recent survey by Fannie Mae has found that 56% of…

    By All Appearances: Accepting Your Appearance As You Age

    How do you think you look compared to your peers? Do you all look about the same age? Would someone think you’re younger than your same-aged friends? Do you think you look younger than your chronological age? Does it even matter one way or another about whether you look young…

    Happy Place: Feeling Happy As An Older Adult

    In case you missed the celebration of International Day of Happiness last week, there’s news to report about the prevalence of happiness among younger and older adults in the United States and around the world. A new poll conducted by Gallup was just released examining happiness around the world. Called…