Nuts And Bolts: You Should Be Eating These Nuts

Nuts And Bolts: You Should Be Eating These Nuts
October 17, 2018
If you’re like most of us, you’re always on the prowl for something to snack on. But you probably also know that you are what you eat- the healthier your food, the healthier you’ll age. So how do you solve the snack dilemma? No doubt about it: Nuts are among the healthiest options when it comes to snacking.
And perhaps the most recommended nut option? Almonds seem to take the prize. They are loaded with nutrients, antioxidants and are beneficial if you’re watching your blood sugar or cholesterol. And they can satisfy hunger relatively quickly, which means you’re likely to reduce your calorie intake. So grab a handful and read about the health benefits of almonds here. Other suggestions? Try pistachios. They’re a good source of protein and healthy fats, and the recommended serving of pistachios gives you a lot more to snack on than a one-ounce serving of other kinds of nuts, so you’ll have more to munch as you watch this weekend’s game. And take them out of the shell yourself- it’ll require more effort but it’s the healthiest way to consume them.
Speaking of healthy, do you go with raw or roasted when it comes to nuts? According to the Tufts Health and Nutrition Update, it’s a toss-up nutritionally, though there are plusses and minuses to each option. Bottom line? There are innumerable types of healthy nuts, and the choices can be tantalizing. For one of the best sources for surveying your nut options, pull out your shopping bag and head over to
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