Eat This Up: Eating Protein To Maintain Your Health And Strength

Eat This Up: Eating Protein To Maintain Your Health And Strength
January 23, 2019
By the time we reach our later years, most of us understand that we are what we eat: the better our diet, the better our health and well-being. There’s a direct connection between the nutritional value of our food and our body’s ability to thrive, especially when we’re stricken with acute or chronic illness. For one important example, read the latest post from Kaiser Health News journalist Judith Graham, who does us all a favor by providing important information about the essential role of protein in our diets as we get older.
There are lots of studies that underscore the value of protein for older people. We know that insufficient protein can exacerbate muscle loss, an especially worrisome development if you’re hospitalized or fighting illness, when your muscle mass is likely to deteriorate. Graham’s article presents advice for the amount of protein seniors need to ingest- look here to see the protein content of various foods. If you’re looking for high protein options for your next meal, pull out your cookbook and click here. Finally, if you’re open to upping your protein intake, but unhappy about planning and preparing your own meals, take a look at Chefs for Seniors, a company in various locations that can provide meal planning and cooking specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of older clients.