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    Search Results for: cholesterol

    Sick At Heart: A New Option For Cutting Your Bad Cholesterol

    The estimates are staggering: nearly 40 million American adults take a statin in order to lower their levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, which can lead to blocked arteries and heart attacks if not kept under control. While a healthy lifestyle is also critical for keeping cardiac risk at bay, there’s…

    Statins Versus Supplements: The Clear Answer For Lowering Cholesterol

    Given the mounting skepticism about the health benefits of so many supplements, it’s probably no surprise that prescription statins are found to be the most effective means of lowering cholesterol. In an important new study examining the use of statins to lower cholesterol versus the health value of 6 common…

    Unclogged Arteries: Updates On Eliminating Cholesterol

    Chances are if you’re an older adult, you’re either taking a Statin medication to lower your cholesterol or you’ve been advised to alter your diet to eliminate foods that may exacerbate the build-up of cholesterol in your bloodstream. It’s almost a right of passage as you enter your later years…

    Crunch The Numbers: New Advice About How To Handle Cholesterol

    If you’re taking a statin to control high cholesterol, when you head out to dinner do you resist ordering the steak with buttery potatoes? Or do you cheat because you think the statin will cover your concerns? While it’s true that not all high cholesterol foods will raise your cholesterol…

    Give It A Shot: A New Way To Fight Cholesterol

    For those of us who are warriors in the fight against high cholesterol, it’s a never ending battle to eat wisely and take the daily medications. But a new “weapon” may be on the horizon: Enter Inclisiran, an injectable drug in development that has been shown to cut LDL (“bad”)…

    Brain Check: Should You Get A Cognitive Test?

    While we don’t need to mention names, you probably have heard that the concept of “taking a cognitive test” has been in the headlines in recent months. But what exactly is such a test? How do you know whether you should take it? And what will such a test tell…