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    Search Results for: vaccines

    Time For A Change? Ageist Stereotypes Are Commonplace and Concerning During COVID-19

    While the news about the coronavirus and older adults continues to be worrisome, what’s also disturbing is the continued presence of ageist stereotypes and our portrait of older adults during the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, as a group of noted geriatricians and gerontologists recently proclaimed, “Older adults have shown remarkable…

    Your Best Shot: Predictions And Recommendations For This Year’s Flu Season

    While for many, October summons images of pumpkins and cider, for public health officials it’s the start of an annual cause for concern: The Flu Season. As a reminder, those 65 and older (and particularly 85 and older) are at increased risk for hospitalization due to flu and are even…

    Arm Up: Updates On Recommended Pneumonia and Flu Vaccinations

    While we typically associate winter with illnesses like flu or pneumonia, some recent expert advice and recommendations put these topics on our summer news cycle.    First, regarding the pneumonia vaccine Prevnar 13, a Federal Advisory panel has reconsidered the previous recommendation that all adults 65 and older receive this…

    A Shot In The Arm: Up-To-Date Info Regarding Measles, Shingles And Other Vaccinations

    You can hardly listen to the news these days without an update on the rising number of measles cases in the United States. And while you may harbor concerns about exposure for your children or grandchildren, the reality is that some of us, especially those born in the late ’50s,…

    Catch Your Breath: How Your Lungs Change As You Age

    It’s not your imagination: your breathing may change, and you may be more susceptible to pneumonia or other bacterial or viral lung infections, as you age. To better understand why that may happen, it’s important to first understand the biological process going on in your lungs as you breathe in…

    Your Best Shot: Essential Vaccinations For Your Later Years

    Exactly one year ago, agebuzz readers were encouraged to check out Shingrix, the new shingles vaccine that was anticipated to be highly effective against shingles. Since one out of three adults develops shingles during his or her lifetime, the hope was that this new vaccine would drastically reduce the number…