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    Search Results for: aging in place

    Checks And Balances: A Follow-Up “Check-In” With Balance and Falls Expert Molly Roffman

    As you may remember, last June agebuzz readers were lucky to learn from the wisdom and advice of Molly Roffman, the balance and falls expert who runs the studio StepWISEnow. The interview with Molly was one of our most popular posts from 2020, and now she is back to share…

    Pandemic Planning: Arranging An Excursion For After Your Vaccination

    Admit it. You’re probably giving it some thought, if not daydreaming of the day in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future when you can take off again and travel out into the world. In fact, this week was the newly anointed holiday, “National Plan For Vacation Day!” Did you celebrate? Pick a…

    Taking Its Toll: LGBTQ Seniors Feel The Burden Of A Lifetime Of Discrimination

    It’s estimated that there are over 3 million individuals in the US over age 50 who identify as LGBTQ and for the vast majority of them, the ability to live openly and without denial or discrimination has only come later in their lives, if at all. And the hurt that…

    A Clean Slate: A Slew Of New Guidance On How To Declutter and Downsize

    Many of us would like to grab a metaphorical broom and sweep away all of our 2020 memories. And some of us are more than ready to take a literal broom to our current lives, to rid ourselves of the clutter and chaos that have built up over these past…

    Dementia Reimagined: A Conversation With Mary Fridley, Advocate For A Positive Approach To Dementia

    For most people, a dementia diagnosis, either for oneself or a loved one, feels like a devastating blow: a strike at the heart of what makes a person uniquely human. Few would greet such a diagnosis as an opportunity for reimagining what is possible and positive in life. Yet, for…

    Dementia Reimagined: A Conversation With Mary Fridley, Advocate For A Positive Approach To Dementia

    For most people, a dementia diagnosis, either for oneself or a loved one, feels like a devastating blow: a strike at the heart of what makes a person uniquely human. Few would greet such a diagnosis as an opportunity for reimagining what is possible and positive in life. Yet, for…