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    Search Results for: dental health

    Open Wide: Keeping Up With Dental Changes As You Age

    Just like the first time you saw a gray hair or realized you’re not hearing so well, there’s likely been a first time when you discovered your mouth didn’t look quite right. Maybe you noticed your smile seems smaller and crooked, or your teeth seem to be moving slightly. Changes…

    Show Some Teeth: Aging And Oral Health

    Most of us know that dreaded feeling: your tooth begins to ache and you realize yet another trip to the dentist may be necessary. And we’re the lucky ones. Given the lack of insurance coverage for dental health care under Medicare, many older individuals can’t afford to seek out a…

    Word Of Mouth: Dismal Dental Care For Impoverished Seniors

    No one enjoys going to the dentist, but there’s no dispute that regular dental care is essential for good health and well being. Tooth decay and gum disease can lead to pain, poor nutrition, social isolation and even medical problems involving your heart. So it makes little sense that our…

    Call And Response: Voters Must Demand Candidates Address Health Issues:

    It may be the silly season in politics, but there’s nothing silly about the serious health policy issues that candidates are ignoring. Kaiser Health News has created a list of health concerns that loom large as the population ages and that have serious health and economic consequences for our country…

    Food As Medicine: The Connection Between What You Eat And How You Age

    No doubt you’ve heard the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While that’s not literally true, there’s solid science behind the concept that the food you eat, and the nutrients that make up that food, can have a profound effect on how your body ages and…

    Nip It In The Bud: Ways To Prevent or Delay Dementia

    You already know the drill: right now we have few effective treatments to help persons afflicted with dementia. And given that estimates are that 50 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with dementia, that’s a tremendous amount of suffering and burden on both patients and their caregivers. If there’s any…