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    Search Results for: high blood pressure

    Tighten That Muscle: New Links Between Blood Pressure And Muscle Exercises

    According to the CDC, almost half of us have hypertension (high blood pressure), which means an awful lot of us are taking medications to lower our blood pressure (and only ¼ of us have our high blood pressure under control). You probably don’t need to be told that having high…

    Pressure Points: Why You Should Be Monitoring Your Blood Pressure

    Instinctively, you likely know that it’s important to keep your blood pressure in check. We’ve certainly addressed the topic previously and it’s one of those essential health markers that almost all of us have experienced during a medical exam (ever feel like the cuff on the blood pressure monitor is…

    Pressing Matters: The Importance Of Good Blood Pressure For Health And Brain Aging

    Are you celebrating? It’s National Women’s Blood Pressure Awareness Week and to mark the occasion, we want to underscore how important it is for you to be aware of your blood pressure and take appropriate actions to keep your pressure in check and under control. As we highlighted in the…

    Under Pressure: Continuing Evidence That You Should Watch Your Blood Pressure

    As we’ve previously noted in agebuzz, heart disease remains one of the most serious causes of illness and death among older adults, and high blood pressure is one of the main causes of stroke and heart attacks in older people. So monitoring your blood pressure and taking prescribed blood pressure…

    Cutting Edge: Can You Trust High Tech Consumer Devices That Promise Health And Safety?

    They’re out there everywhere- the latest high-tech devices that promise you personal and precise information on your own health and well-being. Whether it’s your watch that can now monitor your heart health or a phone app that tells you it can determine if that skin mole is melanoma, consumers are…

    Off-The-Cuff: Keeping Track Of Your Blood Pressure

    You may be aware that last fall, The American College of Cardiology changed the guidelines for measuring high blood pressure. As a result, many more people now fall into the category of needing to monitor their blood pressure. Regular monitoring and sensible lifestyle choices can definitely help you keep your blood…