Live And Learn: Resources For Life-Long Learners

Live And Learn: Resources For Life-Long Learners
April 11, 2018
While some of us relish the thought of never sitting in a classroom again, others are always in search of new educational opportunities. There’s certainly evidence to confirm that ongoing education and learning helps to keep our brains sharp as we age. And there are plenty of educational opportunities out there if you know where to look. So, for starters, consider Learning Advisor, an online portal for those over 50 that connects you to classes, certificate programs and anything else that might fill your need for intellectual stimulation. Or, for a list of thousands of free online courses taught at some of our top universities, check out this Fast Company article about Coursera. Finally, for those of you who want the full college experience, beyond the coursework, you may want to consider the new trend of University-Based Retirement communities, where you can access classes, performances and all sorts of other services and perks available on college campuses (perhaps excluding the frat parties…). If this peaks your interest, check out this article from The Senior List and get ready for your own college search (no SAT required!).