Mark your calendars because May 19th has been declared “Clinical Trials Celebration Day” by the Association of Clinical Research Professionals. As such, it’s a good time to be reminded about what it means to enroll in a clinical trial and why you may want to do so. As you probably know, most of the public health and medical advances that help us all come as a result of years of research. Scientific ideas are tested first in animals and then humans, in order to develop new procedures or medications. What you may not know is that older people, who are disproportionately affected by chronic illness, are underrepresented when it comes to clinical trials enrollment. That’s a real problem, both for physicians trying to find the best therapies for their senior patients and for seniors who may lose out on access to the latest medical advances. The Alliance For Aging Research has just put out a 5 minute video that explains exactly what clinical trials are and whether you might want to consider participation. So get smart, and get educated, by Watching Here.
Enter Here: What Does It Mean To Enroll In A Clinical Trial?

Enter Here: What Does It Mean To Enroll In A Clinical Trial?
May 18, 2017
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