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    Wanderlust in Yoga and in Life By Louise Applebome

    By Louise Applebome


    “It’s not irritating to be where you are. It’s irritating to wish you were somewhere else.”


    John Cage (1912-1992) Avant-garde musician, composer, and philosopher.



    How often “on the mat” do we become distracted and/or frustrated?


    That “should” word creeps in and diverts our attention from staying in the present moment. Or, we let our mind wander off to something unrelated to that moment “on the mat.”


    It’s human nature!


    It’s also common to impose goals and expectations, imaginings that just get in the way. They cause us to be less than content and not aligned with where we actually are.


    Often, striving for accomplishment can also be a deterrent. 


    The result: We lose sight of the essence of “Yoga,” which is finding harmony…syncing together all parts of one’s self at a given moment…finding the silence, splendor, and sanctuary within. 


    The “where you are” can be interpreted on an existential level and/or as the actual physical place in which you find yourself, including sensations, vibrations, tender and sore spots, tingling, and more. 


    And, let’s not forget that what happens on our yoga mats often translates and carries over to life off the mat. They’re quite symbiotic. 


    Consider how often you walk into a room and forget what you were coming in there for. This is also related to a wandering mind and concentration levels and letting multiple thoughts invade our consciousness.  


    So, continuing to hone the ability to stay focused during your yoga practice can also help you concentrate and stay on track off the mat. 


    The pandemic, and being forced into isolation, certainly tested our willingness to accept the places and spaces in which we dwell, and the limitations of our comings and goings.


    It is our visits “to the mat” that provide the time and space to cultivate and sharpen our ability to embrace and celebrate where we are and what we have and not get distracted by thinking greener pastures await somewhere over the rainbow. 


    “There’s no place like home.”

    Louise Applebome, 68, is a Certified Yoga Instructor in Dallas. After “retiring” from a vibrant and varied professional career, she became a yoga teacher. She teaches all her classes on Zoom right now and accepts students, young or older, from wherever they are, both geographically and in their pursuit of a yoga practice. Louise will help you stay fit and flexible, and release tension, aches & pains from the body…and the mind. Her yoga studio in Dallas is del norte yoga and you can reach out to her at [email protected].