Aches And Pains: Methods To Address The Pain You’re Feeling

Aches And Pains: Methods To Address The Pain You’re Feeling
September 2, 2020
Whether from inactivity, stress, or the inability to seek out help, many are experiencing ongoing pain as we continue to navigate the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, recent surveys report that millions are feeling increased back, neck, and foot pain, which is not at all surprising given that many have forsaken good posture, good shoes, and even basic exercise while staying at home. For a review of pain and its management in older adults, take a look at the agebuzz helpful resource page on pain and check out this valuable overview of pain in older adults from The Health in Aging Foundation.
While there are available over-the-counter options to address your various aches and pains (each with its own benefits and risks), recent research and new efforts are pointing to other ways to think about pain management. For example, a new study out of Penn State makes a strong connection between your attitude about pain and your ability to keep it under control. In this study, researchers determined that those who “catastrophize” pain (i.e., feel an exaggerated sense of helplessness and hopelessness about it), when they get up in the morning, are less likely to move or be active during the day, which then becomes a vicious cycle leading to further inactivity and sedentary behavior. Since we know that staying physically active is critical for patients with chronic pain, this behavior becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. One way to address this problem is to shift your focus in order to prevent ruminating on the pain you feel. For some ideas on how to use your mind to redirect your thoughts, clear your head and click here.
And if you haven’t tried acupuncture as a method of pain management, it may be the time to investigate. Medicare has now begun to reimburse for certain acupuncture treatments, and even during the pandemic, it may be possible to seek out safe and available acupuncture therapists. For information on this non-medication pain management approach, prepare to be punctured and read more here.