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    Search Results for: dementia

    Climate Change: Does Body Temperature Affect Alzheimer’s Symptoms?

    Progress toward relieving the symptoms of Alzheimer’s has been frustratingly slow.  This is especially worrisome given our aging population. Yet one recent study suggests a possible new approach to lessening the burden of Alzheimer’s. Canadian researchers tested the hypothesis that lower body temperatures may lead to the greater manifestation of…

    Mind Your Elders: Sensors in the Home as the Next Step in Home Care:

    For caregivers providing care to dementia patients in the home, that caregiver burden can be especially wrenching. Monitoring activities at the home while maintaining some semblance of outside life becomes virtually impossible. Now, researchers at UC San Francisco have embarked on a three year study to develop a “Care Ecosystem”…

    The Play’s The Thing: The Stunning American Premier of “The Father”:

    French playwright Florian Zeller, described as “one of the hottest literary talents in France,” is only 36 years old.  Yet his play, The Father, details one of the most nuanced and realistic portrayals of dementia and cognitive decline ever to appear on a theater stage.  After being heralded by British…

    The Play’s The Thing: The Stunning American Premier of “The Father”:

    French playwright Florian Zeller, described as “one of the hottest literary talents in France,” is only 36 years old.  Yet his play, The Father, details one of the most nuanced and realistic portrayals of dementia and cognitive decline ever to appear on a theater stage.  After being heralded by British…

    Lab Report: Possible New Alzheimer’s Test

    Right now there is no specific medical test to definitively diagnose Alzheimer’s in patients thought to have this dreaded disease. Often the diagnosis is not confirmed until an autopsy after death. However, scientists have recently reported that an early urine test to diagnose Alzheimer’s may be on the horizon.  Read…