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    Search Results for: food

    Bran-Aid: High Fiber = Healthier Aging

    In yet another example of you are what you eat, researchers from Australia have just published a study which demonstrates the superior value of dietary fiber for successful aging. More than any other nutrient, fiber is associated with giving you the best shot at reaching old age disease free and…

    You Can’t Take It With You…Or Can You? Prescription Meds and Travel

    Travel these days often means long lines and delays. It’s valuable to plan ahead to minimize as many barriers to smooth sailing as possible- that includes items in your luggage that can delay exit or entry from one country to another. Prescription medications fall into that category. The Food and…

    Hunger Pains: The Prevalence of Malnutrition In Older Adults:

    It’s commonly known that the body needs vitamins and nutrients to work effectively and stay healthy. Often we can just feel that things are off when we haven’t been eating well. But how do we know if others are nutritionally depleted or even malnourished: is it always obvious to spot? Apparently not,…

    Pass The Greens: More Data On The Health Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet

    Looking for yet more reason to include fruits, veggies, whole grains and olive oil (and less red meat) in your diet? The NU-AGE project of the European Union has new data to support the health value of a Mediterranean style diet. Research carried out by the project, focusing on how…

    Kick It Up A Notch: The Benefits of Curry on Memory and Mood:

    Sometimes a great meal is a memorable event. But did you know that the ingredients of a meal might actually improve your memory? Researchers in Australia have discovered that curcumin, a component found in turmeric and present in curries, may actually help improve memory and attention span in older individuals….

    The Hunger Games: Fasting For a Longer Life:

    Counting calories is never fun. But would you do it if you knew an occasional drastic reduction in calories would lead to a longer, healthier life? Researchers at the University of Southern California believe they are on track to achieve that outcome. Theorizing that restricting dietary intake can reprogram the…