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    Search Results for: sitting

    Charles Munger, Recently deceased billionaire business partner of Warren Buffet and Vice-Chair of Berkshire Hathaway

    “In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time—none, zero.” And “If it’s wisdom you are after, you are going to spend a lot of time sitting on your ass and reading.”

    Brief Bouts Count: A Little Bit Of Movement Can Be Life-Prolonging

    It can feel hard. If you’re tired and resting on the couch; or you’ve done your daily chores and simply want to put up your feet; or your joints ache and you want to sit and watch your favorite show- you just don’t feel like moving. For many of us,…

    Off The Cuff: Be Careful Monitoring Your Blood Pressure

    So what do your numbers add up to? Your blood pressure numbers, that is. High blood pressure often has no symptoms yet is the cause of substantial ill health and premature death (estimates are over 650,000 US deaths per year are related to high blood pressure). So it’s critical that…

    In And Out Of My Comfort Zone By Louise Applebome

    By Louise Applebome   I admit it.   It’s the truth.   I am not one who often likes to emerge from my comfort zone.   In fact, the COVID lockdown was fine with me because it allowed me to stay home…in my ultimate sanctuary and comfort zone, and to…

    Fall All Over: New CDC Data Shows Troubling Nationwide Increase in Deadly Falls

    It’s a new month and we have a new study confirming the serious threat that falls pose to older adults. According to a recent report from the CDC examining the incidence of non-fatal and fatal falls among older adults (65 and older), from 2020-2021, there was a 7.6% increase in…

    A New Twist; A New Nuance By Louise Applebome

    By Louise Applebome   When the COVID-19 pandemic struck in March of 2020, I immediately shifted all my yoga classes online onto Zoom. It seemed only prudent not to let folks into my yoga studio (which happens to be in my home) and instead, to begin to adopt the protocols…