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    Search Results for: supplements

    Something Fishy: Omega 3 Supplements Under Fire

    Most of us try to eat a healthy diet, and for many of us, that includes several portions of fish each week as a major source of protein. By eating fish, you ingest Omega 3 fatty acids, long considered essential for a heart-healthy diet. So if eating fish is good for you, do…

    A Bone To Pick: You May Not Need Those Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements

    No matter our age, most of us are always concerned about a fall or bone fracture. Bone breaks can lead to serious problems as we grow older, so doing all we can to prevent them makes sense. What may not make sense, however, is taking calcium and vitamin D supplements to…

    Gut Factor: New Research Ties Fiber Prebiotics To Improved Cognition

    We’ve touted the benefits of upping your fiber intake for several years. While your immediate thoughts about fiber may veer toward the relief of constipation, in fact, that’s only one of many benefits that fiber in your diet brings about. Dietary fiber is associated with a host of health benefits,…

    Joint Review: Some Basics On Keeping Your Joints Pain-Free As You Age

    If you’re reading agebuzz, it’s likely that you or someone you love has experienced joint pain. Although everyone has approximately 350 joints (a joint exists wherever 2 bones in your body meet), wear and tear from aging, overuse, or trauma means that older adults usually suffer more joint pain than…

    Refresh Your Memory: Can A Daily Multivitamin Be The Trick?

    How often do you worry about your memory? How frequently do you forget why you entered a room or struggle to remember someone’s name? And do you worry that these episodes of forgetting might portend something worse? Perhaps it’s not just occasional forgetfulness but the beginning of a memory decline?…

    Listen Carefully: New Tinnitus Treatments Are Here

    If you’re one of the 10-15% of Americans who suffer from tinnitus, you know how annoying, disabling, or even life-altering it can be, with constant ringing, hissing, buzzing, or other sounds filling the silence in your ear. It is said that the incidence of tinnitus is on the rise and…