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    Search Results for: sarcopenia

    Inner Strength: Working With Weights To Improve Strength

    While it may be challenging, we’ve never shied away from encouraging agebuzz readers to commit to strength training as a way to keep you physically, cognitively, and emotionally strong. Whether you’re working your core or preventing your muscles from shrinking, the benefits of strengthening muscles and staying strong are incalculable…

    Muscle Memory: Preventing The Loss Of Muscle Mass

    Many of us right now are probably good living examples of what happens when you become physically inactive and begin to lose muscle mass (called sarcopenia when the loss becomes serious and accelerated). Because of the pandemic, activity levels have plummeted, time on the couch has expanded, and as a…

    Pillar Of Strength: Why You Should Do Strength Training

    We’re all looking for ways to stay strong during these challenging times- and not just emotionally. Turns out physical strength is also valuable, certainly for balance and mobility, but perhaps more importantly right now, for your immune system. In previous agebuzz posts, we’ve touted the benefits of strength training for…

    Going Strong: Strength And Resistance Training For Muscles, Mind And Heart

    Few of us escape this discovery: the older we get, the weaker our muscles seem to be. Long-time agebuzz readers will remember that sarcopenia (the progressive loss of skeletal muscle) can leave you frail and dependent, and at greater risk for falls and other life-limiting conditions. So the key is…

    Stay Strong: How To Fight Against Muscle Loss

    You may already notice it in yourself: your once strong muscles begin to weaken and your ability to carry out your daily activities diminishes. The technical term for this progressive loss of skeletal muscle is called sarcopenia and if it progresses without intervention, you may become frail and unable to live…