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    Search Results for: fiber

    Calories Count: Balancing Nutrition and Calories For Healthier Aging

    It’s undeniable that what you eat, and how much you eat, loom large when it comes to healthy aging. Over the years, we’ve regularly reported on how your diet affects your health as you get older, and how the number of calories you take in could also play a role….

    The Rookie Retiree By Renee Langmuir: Is Retirement Housekeeping A Curse?

    By Renee Langmuir   Whenever I am in a medical office and I need to make the next appointment, I always tell the receptionist I can come anytime because I am retired. Such an interchange prompted my partner in conversation, who was nearing retirement age herself, to tell me that…

    Berry Well: Eating Fresh Berries To Boost Your Health

    If you’re a summer fruit lover, right now is peak delight time for you. But, according to the CDC, only 12.3 % of US adults meet their recommended daily fruit intake. What is the recommended fruit intake for an adult in the US? For women 60 and over, 1.5 –…

    Morning Jolt: Can Your Morning Coffee Erase Your Sleep Problems?

    What’s the first thing you think about when you open your eyes each morning? You’re in good company if it’s going for that first cup of coffee. If you haven’t gotten 7 hours of sleep the night before, you’ll probably look to your first cup to help power you through…

    Go Easy: Updates on Constipation Advice

    It’s a perennial problem that seems to only get worse with aging. Constipation is considered the most frequent gastrointestinal complaint, and while older adults are not the only ones who suffer, they are afflicted with more frequency. About 16% of adults have chronic constipation, but for adults aged 60 and…

    Let It Grow: Why Gardening Is Your Go-To Activity

    If you’ve been out there toiling the soil, planting seeds, and watering your flower beds, you know how much work is involved- and how satisfying that can be. And you probably know you’re in good company. According to recent research, 55% of American households actively garden, which is the equivalent…