June 22nd, 2017 Newsletter

June 22nd, 2017 Newsletter
June 22, 2017
Good morning and welcome to agebuzz… Headlining today’s topics:
-Dog Days: New Data Supports Dog Walking For Seniors
-Eat It Up: Broccoli- A New Diabetes Antidote
-Through Thick And Thin: Social Security For Former Spouses
-Watch Out: Your Blood Pressure Monitor May Be Wrong
-Tech Trends: Social Seniors On Line
-Interview With A Dowager: Dame Maggie Smith Speaks Her Mind
-The Last Word
Dog Days: New Data Supports Dog Walking For Seniors: Anyone with a pet knows how much love and affection can be derived from that relationship. The psychological benefits of pet ownership can be profound. But the physical benefits of owning a pet can be significant as well. A new research study found that dog owners are more likely to achieve the activity levels recommended for seniors by the World Health Organization (WHO) than non-dog owners. On average, dog owners were found to walk an extra 22 minutes a day (or for those of you counting steps, 2760 steps a day) as compared to non-dog owners, and they also had fewer continuous periods of sitting compared to non-dog owners. In essence, walking the dog helps you achieve the amount of physical activity recommended to help you age in a healthier way. No surprise to those of us who have dogs- and for those who don’t, perhaps this will tip the scales in favor of a visit to the rescue shelter where so many senior dogs await new homes. So grab a leash, and read about this study Here.
Eat It Up: Broccoli- A New Diabetes Antidote: More than 300 million people worldwide suffer from Type 2 diabetes, and the numbers continue to climb. While there are important medications to control diabetes, it’s clear that diet is also an essential tool. And the latest research out of the University of Gothenburg suggests that broccoli, that beloved and despised veggie, may contain an important anti-oxidant to help in this fight. Researchers found that those who consumed a broccoli extract with high levels of the anti-oxidant sulforaphane were able to lower their blood sugar levels significantly. Read about this new study Here. And whether you need to lower your blood sugar levels, or are just looking to add some green to your daily diet, read about the overall health benefits of broccoli Here.
Through Thick And Thin: Social Security For Former Spouses: Following divorce, women are often in more a more vulnerable financial place than they had formally been. Many are not properly informed about benefits available to them from their former spouse despite the divorce, and this is especially troublesome if retirement is looming. For example, consider Social Security. Did you know that divorced spouses are eligible for the same spousal and survivor’s benefits as still-married spouses, as long as the marriage lasted at least 10 years? And this can happen even if your former spouse has remarried. It’s confusing and complicated- but read more about the options for you and your children Here. And check out the retirement planning information for divorced spouses from the Social Security Administration by Clicking Here.
Watch Out: Your Blood Pressure Monitor May Be Wrong: Those of us with high blood pressure are advised to always be vigilant- to watch what we eat, to take our medications, and to monitor our blood pressure if we can. In fact, home monitoring blood pressure devices are so commonly used now that the global market for their use is estimated to be worth $2 billion by 2022. But a recent study published in the American Journal of Hypertension calls into question the reliability of home monitoring machines. Researchers in Canada tested dozens of different brands and found that home blood pressure monitors were wrong 7 out of 10 times. This could be a serious concern if you have hypertension, as you may get a false sense of security that is all is okay. The bottom line? You may need to check the accuracy of your machine against the professional equipment of a physician. And you need to check out the details of this study by Reading Here.
Tech Trends: Social Seniors On Line: It’s official: Seniors have now entered the technology era, at least according to the Pew Research Center. The number of people over 50 who use mobile devices to get their news has risen dramatically. In particular, more than 2/3 of people 65+ now get news on a mobile device, which stands in sharp contrast to the 22% who did so in 2013. Read more about this latest research from Pew Here. And in Britain, there’s been a striking rise reported in the number of users age 75+ on Facebook, though these “social” seniors are reported to be less confident and savvy about their online profiles and searches than younger and more long-term users. Find out more about these older Facebook users Here. There is, however, one very comfortable older UK blogger who has taken to the internet to make sure everyone knows the positive aspects of aging. 82 year old Joyce Williams (who blogs as “Grandma Williams”) regularly posts about her world travels, life in Glasgow and even sex tips for seniors. Read more about Joyce and her on-line life Here, and follow her blog by clicking Here.
Interview With A Dowager: Dame Maggie Smith Speaks Her Mind: You may know her as the Dowager Countess of Grantham from Downton Abbey or as Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter films. But Dame Maggie Smith, now 83, has had a long and remarkable acting career that was very well established prior to these more recent roles. In a just-released video interview with Mark Lawson for the British Film Institute, Dame Maggie describes her journey over the years, the roles she’s played and her life now as an older actress. Never one to shy away from an acerbic or honest quip, watch her discuss her remarkable life and career Here.
THE LAST WORD: “Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.” Dame Maggie Smith