Mischievous Myths: Put Aside Untruths And Embrace The Reality Of Aging
November 1, 2023
It’s not uncommon for individuals to be inculcated with myths and misinformation about aging, even from an early age. It’s no wonder, then, that older adults are often prejudged or misjudged without any understanding of what their actual abilities or lived experiences are. And it’s not just outsiders or strangers…
Beware Before Your Share: Misinformation And Scams In The COVID Era
August 26, 2020
Our dependence on news and information these days feels unprecedented. To keep ourselves safe, aware, and up-to-date on the latest news regarding the pandemic almost requires a herculean effort, as updates and revisions seem to come at lightning speed. Virtually from the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, agebuzz has tried…
Who’s To Choose? How To Treat Older Cancer Patients
August 14, 2019
The projections are sobering: By 2030, it’s anticipated that 70% of all new cancers will occur in patients 65 and older. Moreover, cancer statistics show that among the oldest old (the fastest-growing segment of our population, and encompassing those over 85), cancer patients tend to have more advanced disease at…
Living A Lie: How To Approach Truth-Telling With A Dementia Patient
May 1, 2019
If you’ve been involved in the care of someone with dementia, you’ve probably faced this moment of truth: Should you always be brutally honest, no matter how hurtful that seems or how little you may be understood, or do you tell a “white lie” or create a deception in the…