Keep On Moving: Walk Your Way To Feeling Healthier
August 7, 2024
So despite the heat this summer, have you been able to take walks around your neighborhood? Are you getting in those steps before the sun becomes too strong? If you have, you’re likely not alone on those paths or sidewalks. According to a new report from the CDC, almost 60%…
Bottoms Up: How Are Your Feet Aging?
May 15, 2024
You probably take them for granted, and give little thought to the health of your feet, until a problem arises. Maybe you’re suddenly experiencing some bumps on your feet or curls in your toes that make your shoes less comfortable (did you know it’s estimated that 3 out of 4…
Leg Work: Now Is The Ideal Time To Be Out Walking
May 1, 2024
With the weather getting warmer and the days getting longer, the message is clear: If at all possible, it’s time to get out and about, and get those legs moving again. We’ve extolled the health benefits of regular walking for years. As a good review, a recent post from the…
Your Move: Why Physical Exercise May Reverse The Aging Process
April 17, 2024
In many previous posts, we’ve extolled the virtues of exercise and physical movement as essential for healthy aging. From ongoing research, we know that physical activity is necessary for keeping your body physically functioning and your brain cognitively strong and intact well into your later years. What we’ve learned from…
Power Play: Add Power Training To Your Strength Training Exercise Routine
March 20, 2024
Exercise is essential for healthy aging, and as we’ve repeatedly advised, that includes both aerobic exercise as well as strength training. Regular aerobic physical movement is critical to keeping your heart and brain functioning. Using your muscles and building up your strength is also essential if you want to continue…
Low Impact, High Outcome: How To Tailor Your Exercise To Your Abilities
March 13, 2024
While you may know in your mind that it’s important to keep moving and exercise as you get older (especially as you get older!), it’s clear that many of us are not following through on this. Data show that in the US, only a little over 50% of adults meet…