Espresso Yourself: What Is Coffee Doing For You?
July 10, 2024
Have you started your iced coffee routine yet this summer? For many, a nice iced coffee or cold brew (check out the difference between the two here) is just what it takes to get going on a summer morning. But that raises the perennial question: Is it okay to start…
Play The Odds: Less Sitting Means Higher Odds Of Healthy Aging
June 19, 2024
We’ve previously informed you about research reporting on the health hazards of too much sitting. And yet, far too many of us continue to sit for far too many hours a day, putting ourselves at significant risk for serious illness as we get older. Data show that American adults spend…
Sit Less, Step More: Series of New Studies Underscore The Health Benefits of Physical Activity
March 6, 2024
Undoubtedly you know that physical activity is crucial for healthy aging and that extended periods of sitting can put your health at risk. For many of us, measuring the extent of our daily physical activity comes through tracking our step count. Daily step counts can be an easy and accessible…
Brief Bouts Count: A Little Bit Of Movement Can Be Life-Prolonging
November 1, 2023
It can feel hard. If you’re tired and resting on the couch; or you’ve done your daily chores and simply want to put up your feet; or your joints ache and you want to sit and watch your favorite show- you just don’t feel like moving. For many of us,…
As Things Stand: More Evidence Why You Should Limit Your Sitting
September 20, 2023
You’ve heard it before and we’ve said it before: Sitting is the new smoking. Long stretches spent sitting in a chair can cause dire consequences for your physical health and mental well-being. The evidence has been building for years. For example, even just an hour’s worth of sitting means your…
No Slouching: Be Aware Of Your Posture As You Move On In Years
June 28, 2023
It’s clear that for agebuzz readers- really for anyone getting on in years- maintaining balance and preventing falls is an important topic. And while we regularly address balance and strength-building exercises, clutter clearance, and other fall prevention strategies, perhaps one of the more undiscussed but important areas of consideration is…