Majority Rules: Most Older Adults Rightly Worry About Long Term Care Costs
August 21, 2024
It’s an existential dilemma that keeps many awake at night: How to pay for long term care, either for yourself or a loved one. Few of us will escape this challenge, and few of us can easily afford the care and support we or a loved one may need. So…
Shaky Security? Updates On The Solvency Of Social Security
May 15, 2024
So you may have seen frightening or even hysterical headlines in recent days about the stability of the Social Security system. Given the millions of us who currently receive Social Security, or will soon apply (or those younger adults who hope the system is still in place and available when…
Home Free? Can You Afford To Age In Place?
April 24, 2024
We’ve previously highlighted the fact that most older adults want to continue living in the community, rather than move to a long term care facility, as they get into their later years. Two new surveys confirm that sentiment. First, a recent survey by Fannie Mae has found that 56% of…
The Costs Of Care: Dementia Raises The Financial Burden Of Caregiving
October 26, 2023
Receiving a diagnosis of dementia, whether the cause is Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body, vascular, or some other type, can be a devastating piece of news to digest. Chances are the person diagnosed has experienced many telltale symptoms even before the diagnosis is made, and often, it’s only in hindsight that the…
Eyes Wide Open: How To Approach The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period
October 18, 2023
If you’re an agebuzz reader, then you or a loved one likely has health insurance through Medicare: either the Original Medicare (along with a Medigap Supplemental Policy) or a Medicare Advantage plan, which covers all that Original Medicare does but may also offer additional benefits (along with certain costs and…
Medicare 101: Reviewing Basics To Prepare For The Upcoming Annual Enrollment Period
September 13, 2023
As you likely know, Medicare is a federal program that provides health insurance to older Americans. Most people think Medicare is incredibly complicated (and it is), but if you break it down into pieces, it’s easier to understand and plan for your needs. In our desire to help you better…