Most people know that it’s important to have a will in place- getting your affairs in order is a valuable way to make sure your wishes about your property and possessions are respected, and it certainly makes life easier for your survivors when the inevitable arises. What you may not realize is that the person you appoint in your will to be the executor of your estate may have significant responsibilities carrying out the terms you set forth. It can be a big job, and things can go well or not, often depending upon the person you select as executor. That’s why you need to take a look at the advice just published in Kiplinger, detailing the traits you need to consider when choosing who should fill this role for you. While you may think the choice is obvious, the best person for the job may actually be someone you haven’t considered. Check out their tips for choosing an executor Here. And for a more general guide to estate planning, peruse this thoughtful list of great resources Here.