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    Search Results for: stretching

    Stretch Right Up: Should Stretching Be A Regular Part Of Your Routine?

    “Move it or lose it” is an essential mantra here at agebuzz. We are passionate about the need to stay physically active and keep moving, and about the strength you need to properly fuel that movement. Furthermore, to stay active and out and about, and to carry on your essential…

    Stretch Your Legs: Stretching Is Essential For Healthier Aging

    As the saying goes, “Move it or lose it.” Most of us know that it’s essential to regularly move in order to keep strong, upright, and functioning as we get older. Whether it’s a daily walk, active chores around the house, or a competitive game of tennis, you need to…

    Reach Out: Stretching Benefits And Key Equipment To Help You

    No doubt most of us slow down as we get older. Getting out of a chair may take more effort and dashing out the door may not come as easily if you’re running late. In fact, research shows that after age 70, flexibility declines significantly, which may explain the challenge…

    By Any Stretch: Stretching Is Essential As You Age

    Most of us know the feeling: occasional stiffness or tightness, especially when we first wake up or we’ve been sitting for a while. It can be awkward, painful and embarrassing to struggle to stand up or begin to walk and it’s certainly a reminder we’re getting older. One way to…

    No Slouching: Be Aware Of Your Posture As You Move On In Years

    It’s clear that for agebuzz readers- really for anyone getting on in years- maintaining balance and preventing falls is an important topic. And while we regularly address balance and strength-building exercises, clutter clearance, and other fall prevention strategies, perhaps one of the more undiscussed but important areas of consideration is…

    Public Health Peril: Nationwide Surge In Fatal Falls Reported

    Maybe you wonder why agebuzz spends so much time focused on balance and fall prevention. Well, as we’ve previously pointed out, around the world falls are the primary cause of accidental deaths and now we have new data reporting that fatal falls more than doubled among US older adults, from…