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    Search Results for: maye musk

    A Woman With A Plan: 71-Year-Old CoverGirl Maye Musk Tells All And Shares Advice

    You may know her from her previous appearances on agebuzz, or perhaps you took note of her historic achievement of being named a “Cover Girl” by CoverGirl makeup at age 69! Or, perhaps you recognize her name as the mother of Tesla and Space X founder Elon Musk. But what you…

    3M: Model Maye Musk: Fashion Icon, Nutrition Expert And Runway Model At Age 69

    Right now in New York, there is quite a lot of hoopla going on for New York Fashion Week. And one of the most in-demand models currently walking the runway is Maye Musk, who, at 69, has a modeling career that’s the envy of models just a quarter of her…

    Break Some Rules: Dress However You Wish

    So it’s that time of year when many of us, at least in our younger years, might have fretted over not having a “beach body” (whatever that’s supposed to mean). But now, most of us have likely come to terms with the way we look, the way we feel, and…

    Food For Thought: Making Thoughtful Choices For Your Diet

    For many of us, it’s a never-ending conversation with ourselves: How to maintain a healthy diet but not feel guilty over every last calorie or less than healthy occasional treat. Most nutrition experts emphasize moderation over obsession. For some of the latest advice, consider the following: The Harvard Men’s Health…