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    Search Results for: falling

    Common But Preventable: Injuries And Deaths Due To Falling

    We’ve quoted the statistics before: One out of every four older adults has a fall every year, and one out of every five falls results in a serious injury, including hip fractures (95% of hip fractures are due to a fall) and head injuries leading to death. We previously highlighted…

    Tip The Balance: Counter Your Fear Of Falling With Better Balance

    You may have it or you may know others who have it. Your fear may be tied to prior experiences or just be a product of anticipatory dread. But whether it’s rational or not, it’s best to address it head-on. Basophobia, otherwise known as the fear of falling, is a…

    Slips And Falls: The Indignities and Injuries From Falling

    Welcome to 2024. Will it be a productive, prosperous, and happy New Year? Or will injury or embarrassment befall you at some point, as you find yourself tripping, slipping, or otherwise heading to the ground? You know the statistics, or you should at this point, given how often we at…

    Falling Smartly And Safely: Advice On Avoiding Serious Injury

    As an older adult, you’re probably aware of the risk of falling and sustaining serious injury. While we can safely say that no one wants to fall, we can also state that the older you get, the more likely you are to fall, and once you’ve fallen, your risk of…

    Risk Reduction: How To Lessen The Likelihood Of Falling

    None of us needs a reminder of how prevalent falls can be as you get on in years, or how fearful you can become if you’ve had a bad fall. As you’ve previously read, there are myriad reasons why a person can fall. Whether due to balance problems, leg weakness,…

    Falling Down: Fall Injuries And Learning To Fall “Safely”

    By now you’ve likely heard the recent news about the tragic passing of comedian Bob Saget. A seemingly healthy 65-year-old, his death followed what investigators believe was an unwitnessed fall, causing trauma to the back of his head. Authorities do not suspect foul play and believe he likely decided to…