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    Search Results for: dehydration

    Watering Hole: A Primer On Dehydration By Dr. Kernisan

    By now you know we regularly sing the praises of geriatrician Leslie Kernisan, whose website, Better Health While Aging, is a source of wisdom and practical guidance. Recently, Dr. Kernisan wrote an in-depth piece about dehydration in seniors: it’s more than just being thirsty and it’s a problem beyond the hot summer…

    Thirst Quencher: Signs And Symptoms Of Elder Dehydration

    Hot weather often means the need for additional hydration, especially when you’re exerting yourself and heavily sweating. For older individuals, even modest dehydration can spell serious trouble, and the signs and symptoms may be subtle rather than obvious. So with aging people, it’s important to keep an eye out for…

    Better Be Going: What Is Constipation Doing To You?

    It’s somewhat of a taboo topic, though we’ve covered it in the past. But as the season of holiday eating and travel comes into focus (both of which can do a number on your digestive system), it’s useful to return to the dilemma of constipation and how to deal with…

    Heat Of The Moment: We’re All At Risk With Extreme Heat

    We were worried back in May when we alerted you to the dangers of excessive heat on your health. Now that we’re in the midst of what may be the hottest year on record, it’s time to take seriously the damage that can happen to you (not to mention your…

    Thin Skinned: What To Do About Your “Crepey” Skin

    It’s usually part of the stereotypical image conjured up to create an ageist trope of an older woman: either with thin, wrinkled hands or often underarms with sagging skin resembling crepe paper, it’s a popular way to depict aging in a negative light. After all, who wants skin that looks…

    Adapting Summer Activities For People Living With Dementia By Kristina Lubofsky

    By Kristina Lubofsky   Summertime is here, and there is usually (weather permitting!) an emphasis on getting outside to enjoy some sunshine and fresh air. There are so many benefits to enjoying the great outdoors, including improvements in mood and mental health, boosts to the immune system, and help regulating…