Mug Musings: More Evidence About The Benefits From Drinking Coffee
January 1, 2025
The flow of positive health benefits from drinking coffee continues to pour in from medical journals, though researchers continue to admit they are not quite sure whether the benefits stem from caffeine in the coffee or from some of the 2000 other chemical compounds found in coffee, especially those with…
Everything In Moderation: The Case For Drinking Moderate Amounts Of Coffee
September 25, 2024
Just as Americans, and really people all over the world, continue to drink endless cups of coffee, so too, do scientific studies on coffee and caffeine continue to fill up our research journals on an ongoing basis. We’ve covered the array of studies that have previously been undertaken to evaluate…
Espresso Yourself: What Is Coffee Doing For You?
July 10, 2024
Have you started your iced coffee routine yet this summer? For many, a nice iced coffee or cold brew (check out the difference between the two here) is just what it takes to get going on a summer morning. But that raises the perennial question: Is it okay to start…
Brew Ha Ha: The Ongoing Debate About Your Coffee Consumption
April 3, 2024
The debate continues. We’ve previously posted about the many health benefits that appear to be derived from consuming coffee: everything from the boost of mental alertness from the caffeine to the anti-inflammatory protections from the antioxidants in coffee. You can add to that the results of a brand new study…
Morning Jolt: Can Your Morning Coffee Erase Your Sleep Problems?
June 28, 2023
What’s the first thing you think about when you open your eyes each morning? You’re in good company if it’s going for that first cup of coffee. If you haven’t gotten 7 hours of sleep the night before, you’ll probably look to your first cup to help power you through…
One More Cup: New Studies And Insights About Drinking Coffee
February 1, 2023
While research studies and analyses continue to send mixed signals about the health effects of coffee, the general sense that coffee is an essential, pleasurable, and protective beverage continues. With more than 2 billion cups of coffee served worldwide each day, the demand and desire for coffee remain strong. A…